Wednesday, October 16, 2013


In photo one John did a good job of framing the subject in the right side of the photo, which causes the viewer to instantly be directed to the girl, which is the main focus of the photo. I also liked how he kept the notes in focus it makes it seem like the subject is doing something. It may have been beneficial to move the white sign or changed angles, because the washout of the sign starts to make me wonder into the background. Also the girl seems a little under exposed, for example where the hair touches her shoulder there looks like some loosed information.
            In photo two the position of the subject was good but the shadows on his face are kind of distracting. The background is kind of busy and distracting I.e. the bird crap and box on the chair, they take away from the main subject.  Side note the guy looks like a killer. Also part of the background is in dark shadow and part of it has sunlight coming through which can take away from the overall photo. but overall the photo seems well exposed and in focus.
            Photo three was probably my favorite photo of the five that john took. The girl pops out of photo due to the combination of a shallow depth of field and a nicely focused shot. There are bits of sunlight that is coming threw the trees, but I don’t think they are really distracting from the photo. The light levels were also well adjusted.
            To start off photo four is well exposed and framed well with the subject in the left third of the photo and the converging lines on the right side of the frame. The people that are walking in the background are kind of distracting so it might have helped to wait for them to pass. Also if you had the guy look more to the right of the frame kind of following the path of the lines of the building it might have helped the photo.
            In photo five the subjects are in shadow and the background is in practically direct sunlight which makes the wall in the background washed out and kind of distracting, along with the woman moving across the background. The foreground of the photo seems pretty well exposed but the background is really over exposed. It might have helped if you took the photo from another angle so either both the girls and background are in shadow or sunlight. 

Monday, October 14, 2013

People of UTSA

"What are you excited to do?"
"To graduate and become successful at my job as healthcare administrator."

-"What is your greatest achievement in life?"
-"Being happy."
-"Is there anything happening in your life right now that you are excited about?"
-"Going here (UTSA), having a girlfriend, and playing soccer."

"What are you excited about?"
"I guess im excited to graduate and find a job in my field and start my life."

"What are you excited for in life?"
"To graduate with a degree in kinesiology and hopefully start my career as an occupational therapist."

"What is your greatest achievement in life?"
"Being able to dance professionally."